Bowmore Legend of the Laird and the Angel Limited Edition Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky 40,0% Vol. - seltene alte Abfüllung aus dem Jahr 2000 der limited Legend-Serie von Bowmore
Seltene alte Abfüllung eines Bowmore Legend of the Laird and the Angel limited Edition Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky und die 7. Release aus dem Jahr 2000. Diese limitierte Edition wurde von Bowmore in den Jahren 1994 bis 2006 in insgesamt 13 Ausgaben mit jährlich wechselnden Motiven im Reliefdruck in einer Schmuckdose auf den Markt gebracht. Auf den aufwändig designten und geprägten Metall-Dosen wurde jeweils eine Legende der Insel Islay in englischer Sprache wiedergegeben. Die limitierten Abfüllungen gab es für den internationalen und einer Version für den italienischen Markt, die teilweise ein geringfügig abweichendes Design aufwiesen und Flaschen mit Altersangabe (8Years) des Bowmore Legend enthielten.
Diese Version des Bowmore Legend of the Laird and the Angel Edition wurde im Jahr 2000 abgefüllt und erzählt die Geschichte vom armen Fischer, seiner großen Liebe und einem kaltherzigen reichen Gutsbesitzer, der letztlich zu Stein wurde, weil er glaubte einen Engel zu sehen.
Heute sind nahezu alle Versionen aus dieser limited Edition mit der dekorativen Tin nur noch selten zu finden und zählen bei Sammlern zu den besonders gefragten Exemplaren.
Rare old bottling of a Bowmore Legend of the Laird and the Angel limited Edition Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky and the 7th release from the year 2000. This limited edition of the Bowmore Legend was presented by Bowmore in the years 1994 to 2006 in a total of 13 issues with yearly changing motifs in relief print in a metal-tin on the market. On the elaborately designed and embossed metal tins, a legend of Islay Island was presented in English. The limited bottlings were available for the international and a version for the Italian market, which partly had a slightly deviant design and bottles with age indication (8Years) of the Bowmore Legend.
Today almost all versions from this limited edition with the decorative tin are rarely found and the most popular bottlings among collectors.
The Story of the Laird and the Angel:
Long ago a cruel, but god-fearing, Laird journeyed in search of a bride. On the shores of Loch Indaal he met a starving fisherman and his bride to be. The Laird instantly fell in love with the beautiful girl and offered to buy her hand in marriage. The fisherman knew that he could never give his bride wealth, like the Laird, so heartbroken he reluctantly gave his bride away. Years passed but no love blossomed between them. Each day she saw her true love pass by on his way back from the Loch and each night she wept into her pillow and yearned to be with him. The cruel Laird overheard her tears and made her an offer, "If you can steal my soul by the morn' I shall turn to stone and you may go free. But if you fail you will stay and love me as you love him". She agreed. As night fell the girl thought long and hard of how to steal a man's soul. Just then she saw the fisherman pass by and, in a flash of inspiration, called down to him: "My love, bring me your catch at midnight and we may be together forever" Puzzled, the fisherman agreed. Midnight came and he brought his catch to her. All night the girl gutted the fish and sewed together the silvery scales into a beautiful dress. Just before dawn the Laird awoke as the day's first rays of sun shone brightly onto the girl's dress. Believing her to be an angel from heaven, the god-fearing Laird fell to his knees and pledged his soul to her. Upon revealing her true self, he turned to stone and free she ran off to be with her true love once more.
- Farbe: helles gold / Colour: light gold
- Typ: Single Malt Whisky - Originalabfüllung
- Region: Islay / Location: Rothes
- Vintage: 1991/1992
- Alter: 8 Jahre / Age: 8 years old
- Abgefüllt: 2000 / Year bottled: 2000
- Fasstyp: Oak Casks / Cask Wood Type: Oak Casks
- Stärke: 40,0% Vol. / Alcohol ABV% 40.0
- Bottling Serie: Legend Limited Edition - 7th Release 2000
- Inhalt: 0,7l / Bottle Size 70cl / 700ml
- Label: Seagull-Label with 3 icons backlabel
- kühlgefiltert / chill filtered
- mit Farbstoff / coloured
- Flasche mit Tin / Packaging with tin (tin with small dents)
- Lebensmittelhersteller/Importeur: Bowmore Distillery, Bowmore, Islay, PA43 7JS, Scotland
- Ursprungsland: Schottland / Country of Origin Scotland
- limitiert, Anzahl unbekannt - seltener Sammler-Whisky! / limited, number unknown - rare collector´s whisky!
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